To enable transient retries in dotnet core, put the following into the startup process. In this case, it went into a WorkerService, so the code is in the Program.cs file.
services.AddHttpClient("AnyClientName") .AddTransientHttpErrorPolicy(x => x.WaitAndRetryAsync( Backoff.DecorrelatedJitterBackoffV2(medianFirstRetryDelay: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), retryCount: 5), onRetryAsync: async (outcome, span, retryAttempt, context) => { Log.Logger.Warning("Delaying for {delay}ms, then making retry {retry}.", span.TotalMilliseconds, retryAttempt); }) );
The above code will try for 5 times using a backoff logic that adds some random time to it so that the backoff logic will not add another problem with an api. This also logs when it does a retry. The above code is using Serilog, so your logging logic may be different.
The NuGet packages installed to enable this are:
Here is a link that explains the retry backoff logic: